Oliver Samuels, affectionately known as the “King of Jamaican Comedy,” has been a beloved figure in the world of entertainment for over four decades. Born on November 4, 1948, in the parish of St. Mary, Oliver’s unmatched wit and ability to portray everyday Jamaican life have made him a household name across the Caribbean and beyond. His iconic TV series, Oliver at Large, catapulted him to fame, cementing his place as one of Jamaica’s most talented and cherished comedians.
A versatile performer, Oliver has graced the stage and screen with unforgettable characters that bring laughter while reflecting the vibrant spirit of Jamaican culture. He has headlined numerous theatrical productions across the globe, from London to New York, showcasing his talent to international audiences.

Beyond the jokes, Oliver is known for his heart, humility, and passion for uplifting others. His career is a testament to the power of laughter, and his contributions to Caribbean arts have earned him numerous accolades.

Welcome to the official website of Oliver Samuels, where you can stay updated on his latest performances, tour dates, and projects, and take a deeper dive into the incredible journey of Jamaica’s comedy legend!